What should you do with the money? A look at some choices. Each year, about 70% of taxpayers receive federal tax refunds. The average IRS refund is substantial—$2,800. What could …
The Risks of D.I.Y. Investing & Financial Planning
In trying to do it yourself, there’s the chance you could do it all wrong. Many successful people refrain from trying to plan their financial futures. They delegate that job …
What to Do Before 30 if You Want to Build Wealth
Some key financial steps that you could take. Your twenties are the perfect time to save and invest. Do it now, and you will have a great ally—time—on your side. …
Smart Financial Moves in Your 40’s and 50’s
These crucial years call for action. Today, retirement may seem nearer to you than it once did. The following moves might be worth making—and soon. Catch-up contributions to your retirement …